Art into the Masses

Photo Documentation of Actionism

Art into the Masses

Eduard Kolodiy was born in 1970. Well-known painter, author of video installations, performances and promotions. Research officer.

In the “Art into the Masses” action, the artist used himself as a platform for the demonstration and explanation of works of art. Two pictures were attached to his back and chest, and in his hands he held a sign with the inscription “Ed Kolodiy. Mobile exhibition of two paintings”. The action took place on Primorsky Boulevard, Deribasivska Street and in other central parts of Odesa. Thus, the author himself became a living and mobile gallery. One painting was abstract, with geometric shapes and bright colors, and the other depicted a traditional still life – a table with fruit with a window on the background through which a balcony and a ship in the sea can be seen. Passers-by observed the paintings, asked questions and talked with the artist. The photo shows people of different ages interested in the works. It seems that the artist himself was of interest no less than the paintings. Those willing could write down their thoughts about the action on sheets of paper given to them by the author. He also had a sheet with the concept of the action:

“Art for all and everyone! Art for the masses!
The purpose of this exhibition is to show artistic works to as many Odesa residents and guests as possible.
I want to make it possible for everyone to realize their right to see the paintings.
People should know their artists!
There is a place for art in our lives!”

This action raises the question of the accessibility of art, asserting that it should be able to interact with reality, not only reflect, but also shape the perception of the surrounding world. Here a conceptual understanding of the boundaries and definition of art is implemented, changing the idea of place and function of a piece of art. But, speaking about changing views on place and role of art in society, Kolodiy tries to arouse in the people interest in the creativity and personality of the artist, as well as in his works. The traditional distance between art and the public is broken. An artist who moves among the people with his paintings demonstrates the idea that art is not confined to galleries or museums, but is a part of society.